Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well hello again.
There is a strange tidbit of human nature I would like to talk about. Why is it...when I or any of my coworkers are working at the counter....stacking coffee....slicing lemon...or just placing our snacks or drinks at a certain area, without fail, a customer will come in and sit exactly where we have set up. Every other seat could be empty, and they choose where you are working or eating??? I just don't get it.
Is it so you will be sure to notice them and there fore service them? Is it because it looks more homey there and so they are drawn like moths to a flame? I am sure, if I were to walk into a restaurant, and see an empty counter, save one small section, I would choose a nice clean empty seat in which to have my meal.
The same thing goes for dirty tables. Why would you sit down at a dirty booth when every other booth in the place is clean??? People are so strange sometimes. Any feed back or enlightenment, any of you could share on this would be greatly appreciated!!

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