Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello my friends. I am sorry I have been away so long...writer's block perhaps. The sunny side is still there. Still like nowhere else in the world. Nor are the customers. Or maybe everyone is like our customers. There is a man who comes in, let's call him Allen. He is a member next door, as are many of the most interesting and sad people I will write about. He is maybe in his late fifties, early sixties. He looks much younger. He attributes it to a form of meditation he has done since his early twenties. He never tips. In fact, if his bill comes to $1.99 and he pays with $2.00, no matter how busy we are, or how long it takes, he will wait for his penny.
Allen is madly in love with a women named, Jan. She is much older, in her seventies and in poor health. She is in a nursing home. Her family does not like Allen. He is on a fixed income and can only come up with bus fare to visit her every couple of weeks or so. But he does, faithfully. Allen is a writer of sorts. He writes about his life with Jan. Their love, their children. The art classes they share. The kind of van they drive. Their home. Allen and Joan have never had any life other than their visits. They have not lived together.
He writes the same story over and over. It is so beautiful, and tragic. It breaks my heart and takes my breath away every time I read it.
I used to ask about his latest version every time I would see a new folder in his hand as he sat at the counter. But I have stopped. It got too sad. But Allen is not sad. He sits at the counter with a small Mona Lisa smile on his face, because he doesn't feel like it is a story. Maybe the reason he writes the same basic thing over and over is because he believes it or thinks if he writes it enough it will become true. What ever it is, it is like a balm for his soul.
Maybe the next time he has a new folder in his hand I will ask him about it...maybe even read it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello friends. Happy Easter, I had. Great day it was so warm, we set a table up outside and ate in the sunshine. I have four grandchildren. They all came dressed up, and looking spectacular! They hunted Easter eggs and played and ran around. We grownups sat and watched while we sipped wine or coffee and laughed. I love hanging out with my family. We seem to have a really nice time together, and I think that is pretty rare.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hello friends. It is amazing to me, how much we can affect each other.
It is near the first of the month and we have several customers who have a house charge...something not many places do anymore. They live on a fixed income and they get a check from SSDI or some such near the first of each month.
This morning, Jack, whom I wrote about in a previous post was in to pay his bill. He had asked me to add it up, as he was going to the bank to withdraw what he needed to pay his various debts. I told him he owed $163.41.
There were several people at the counter. A few stools down from Jack, was a nice looking man. He was very quiet, and polite. He just sort of ate his breakfast and didn't say much. The restaurant got kind of busy, and I was running around a bit.
At one point, the man from the counter approached me, and asked if the man with the guitar, (Jack), was allowed credit here. I explained the situation, and then he asked if I thought it would help Jack if the man payed his bill this month.
Now Jack has been struggling to meet his obligations lately, so I said "Yes", it would help him a great deal. The man pressed $180.00 into my hand smiling, and walked out the door.
When Jack came back from the bank, I told him it was his lucky day, he had won the lottery. He laughed and said he didn't believe me. I told him about the man paying his whole bill and you should have seen his face.
You wouldn't think a little breakfast/lunch place was a place for miracles, but it is. It was for Jack today. And it was for anyone who experienced the kindness and generosity of a total stranger. The joy on Jack's face was contagious. It felt a little like we all won the lottery.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well hello again.
There is a strange tidbit of human nature I would like to talk about. Why is it...when I or any of my coworkers are working at the counter....stacking coffee....slicing lemon...or just placing our snacks or drinks at a certain area, without fail, a customer will come in and sit exactly where we have set up. Every other seat could be empty, and they choose where you are working or eating??? I just don't get it.
Is it so you will be sure to notice them and there fore service them? Is it because it looks more homey there and so they are drawn like moths to a flame? I am sure, if I were to walk into a restaurant, and see an empty counter, save one small section, I would choose a nice clean empty seat in which to have my meal.
The same thing goes for dirty tables. Why would you sit down at a dirty booth when every other booth in the place is clean??? People are so strange sometimes. Any feed back or enlightenment, any of you could share on this would be greatly appreciated!!