Monday, March 29, 2010

HI there.
My "X" says I am a yapper. You know one of those people who can talk with anyone. We went to the Rotary Home Show yesterday, and he said I must have been in my glory, walking around, chatting with venders etc.
I used to be shy. I am sure you already find that hard to believe, but it's true. I wore a perpetual cloak of invisiblity. I don't know what happened or when, but now, I cannot help myself. I love to talk with people.
I work in a little breakfast/lunch joint. We have a lot of regulars...I call it "Cheers without the beer". We also have many people from all over the world come in. Cape Cod is one of the vacation destinations of choice. So I can feed this need for conversation and interaction every day. Our restaraunt is next door to a day program for people involved with the Department of Mental Health. So the stream of people coming in is quite varied...a real cross section of life.
I guess that is what this blog will be about, different people and stories and experiences from there. It's called the Sunnyside....enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Your "x" still thinks you're a yapper but deep down loves you for I! I'll be following!!
